A Touching Book Sale Story

We sure meet some interesting people during the book sales. I am sharing this little story because of the wonderful impact this person had on so many of our volunteers. Allow me to introduce you to Ken. He is an 85 year old gentleman residing in a local nursing home. He had a vision, made a plan , and we were so happy to be able to help him with his project.
Ken wrote a letter to the Friends of the Library expressing his desire to purchase 30 bags of books at our November 11th bag sale. Perhaps we would be willing to donate a few extra bags as well he wondered? You see, Ken decided to build a library for the residents of the nursing home. He started with 4 bookcases, which grew into 34 bookcases. He estimated he would need 800-850 books to fill these shelves.
Challenge accepted Ken!
We had a team of people helping fill bags with  Ken and his son-in-law Ed. Volunteers in the hallway were excitedly keeping count as we brought out bags of fiction, mystery, large print, biography, and history. I don’t know who was more thrilled with the book shopping-Ken and Ed or our volunteers.
Our interaction with Ken was brief but the impact was powerful. What an amazing thing he was striving to do- enriching the lives of his friends and neighbors with books. Our book sale volunteers were honored to have had the opportunity to be a part of it.




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